


How is everyone out there? I am sick…lying on the couch freezing under a blanket from 8 this morning. I woke up and could not swallow without pain in my through and ears 🙁
Tried to do what normal people would do when they are home sick – watch Netflix! But I seriously don’t know what to watch. Help!?

I know there is alot good stuff but I cannot get myself to commit to a series. And I have a weird thing where I cant watch a movie on my own. Not even during my many many flight back and forth between Europe and Australia, and that is like 20 hours on a plane…..

Anyway its been resting all day, with house cures. I really need to by an under-dress because by dress for the wedding tomorrow is see-true, and not just a little, you see it all! But I am too tired and I have acting class tonight as well. We’ll se how I go. Hopefully I will get it all done !
