Pictures 2017,  Uncategorized

Our party filled Saturday

Since I was too tired to do Saturday last night I thought we get on it right now instead.
We have not been out partying for such a long time so I guess that’s why I was totally wrecked on the Sunday. Or maybe it was that suspicious Indian “midnight snack” that Bart tricked us into having hahah. I have a picture of it, its not pretty.

Starting with breakfast in Manly with this wonderful person – Lisa. She honestly is one of those people you like to be around all the time!

Posing with mi amore. I am wearing a long dress which is pretty rare for me. But I got so many compliments for this dress so maybe I should continue in the long dress trend?After breakfast it was time for party number one : Chris & Jessica’s (Ambrose second cousin) engagement party. They chosen such a great spot. Loved this place, right by the water in Manly.

After all these years with Ambrose I’ve only met his family on his dad’s side. This is the first time I got to see his mum’s side of the family. It got a bit emotional, some of them had not seen Ambrose in years.
The plan was to stay only for a short while but we had so much fun spending time with the family so we were about 5 hours late to ….

party number two! Tim’s birthday at Gazebo in Kings Cross. These people had been partying for a couple of hours as you can see. But we got right into it. I had so much fun! Again, thank God for Ambrose’s friends and their girlfriends! Specially when I miss my girlfriends back in Europe. These girls are exactly as fun, the Australian version and its pretty great.

Everyone decided to have an after-party at Tim & RAchels’s place back in Kirribilly. And we were not popular when we told them we had to go to another party.

Hurried into yet another cab and here we are, at the third and last birthday party, with the next bunch of crazy people. As you can see from the pictures, the night got blurrier and blurrier. I have issues and always want sharp and crisp pictures. But what can you expect after hours and hours of party and celebration.
At this place all that that was left to do was to dance, to old classic bad songs that everyone knows the lyrics to. You know the kinds?

When you get a lap-dance from a bunch of lawyers but you don’t have a poker-face so you just stare at them uncomfortably…. hahaha I remember he danced, just for me, for a whole song. That’s a VERY long time when you are don’t know the person dancing for you!

Okey, the rest of the pictures are just way to blurry. I only had to show you what Bart recommended to take home as drunk food. Is that what its called in English, drunk food?? In Sweden we call it “fylle-käk” ahahah
I have to say, at the time, it tasted great. And the place was packed which always is a good sign for a restaurant. Just wondering if it was just packed with people like us that night. Alcoholics with no taste buds what so ever..
See you guys tomorrow. xx
