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Creating your life on purpose

Everyone who knows me do know that I am passionate about discovering  ways to get the most out of life.
I do believe we have more power than we have been led to believe.

I do believe that we are here such a short time and to me, not at least trying to go for your success is absolutely tragic. Whatever that success might mean to you.

I will use this place as a platform to share with you things that I learn.
So here we go.

Here is a list that I came across yesterday. I call this list – Creating My Life on Purpose -.
Its main aim is to, metaphorically speaking, empty you “cup” (your life) of all those blockages that is of hindrance to you. And then fill that “cup” with what do benefit you in order to get to where you want to be.

– Creating My Life on Purpose –
1. What is it that I want to achieve? Be specific on one goal.
2. Why do I want to achieve this goal? What does this mean to me?
3. What kind of person do I need to become in order to achieve this goal?
4. Identity what limiting beliefs and blockages I currently have within. Things that are not in alignment with my goal.
5. Use exercises that are for releasing these blockages.
6. Re-Program my mind with new beliefs.
7. Repeat step 6 until the new beliefs becomes a habit.

