

  • Stillness


    One thing that is truly underestimated is to make time to lie in be and read a book. I have all this time and yet somehow I never seem to take the time to do something like that. After we came back from the airport it only took a couple of hours and Ambrose started to get sick, he got a fever and because we both were sleep deprived, we fell asleep for a couple of hours. I woke up and wanted him to continue resting so he would get better. I decided to read a book I wanted to read for a very long time. The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy.

    For me its important to find a balance in reading/watching both relaxing things, stuff that don’t really give you much. I call those things “Trash TV” 😉 Its not trash, but you get my point. Mine are MasterChef Australia and Graham Norton Show.
    Although mostly I find myself drawn to reading or watching something that teaches me how to get more out of myself that before. Its hard to explain but here is an example of something I read and started implementing in my life;

    They say success, whatever that word means to you, don’t come from ONE big thing or event. It arrives from your daily Rituals. Your daily habits. In other words, those small things you do everyday its what defines you and the quality of your life.
    I thought this statement was interesting so I started to write down some “rituals/habits” that I wanted to have on a daily basic, because I know these are good for me. Of course this will vary from person to person. But here are some of mine:

    – Warm water with lemon
    – Omega 3, Turmeric and Black Seed oil
    – Exercise minimum 45min/day
    – Priming
    – 15 min meditation
    – Begin & end my day with auto-suggestions to my Subconscious Mind
    – Wake up before 6AM
    – “Shake it off” mentality
    – Water. Min 3 bottles/day
    – Cut out sugar as much as possible
    – Do at least One thing that brings be closer to my goal
    – Learn at least One new thing/day

    I write these down on a piece of paper and next to it I put the days of the week, similar to a schedule. And then I put an “X” on those days I have completed one particular ritual.

    It may seam like alot but its really not. You have to remember that whatever you train yourself to do regularly will after some time become part of you. After some time you don’t have to even thing about it, its becomes your “natural state”. That’s what I’m after.

    See if you can make one for yourself. What are the Rituals / Habits that you would like to incorporate into your life?


  • Around the World,  Stillness,  Uncategorized

    Reflect, refocus and decide

    One stormy day at Bronte Beach

    I haven’t been in here for many days now. I needed the time. Time to reflect. Time to refocus. Time to decide.
    These three pictures, I believe represents my last days here in Sweden.

    I have spend all my energy and dedication on doing just what these couple of sentences from Tony Robbins sais.

    I should have been totally exhausted. Instead I just feel more empowered, enthusiastic and calm as Ive ever have felt before. Funny that. I don’t understand it but I think the explanation is that I am on the right tracks now.

    Life; if your not who or where you should be, everything feels exhausting. When you are who and where you should be, nothing exhausts you.

    The little time I had left I spend outside and with these crazy boys 🙂

    Now I am 100 % ready to go home. My beautiful home. I could not be more excited.


  • Stillness,  Uncategorized

    Quote of the day

    I took this picture last time I was in Sweden during autumn. I think I will get married during that season. As my mum always says; “nature is sooo beautiful with all its colors that you actually don’t need to spend alot of thought on decoration, nature does that for you for free during autumn”

    I want to start something new here. I want to add quotes from people I admire, learn and grow from. Lets start with one from a new “teacher” of mine, Dr Joe Dispenza.
    Hope you like it.xx
    “Meditation opens the door between the conscious and subconscious minds. We meditate to enter the operating system of the subconscious, where all of those unwanted habits and behaviors reside, and change them to more productive modes to support us in our lives.”
     – Dr Joe Dispenza
  • Recomendation,  Stillness,  Uncategorized

    Creating your life on purpose

    Everyone who knows me do know that I am passionate about discovering  ways to get the most out of life.
    I do believe we have more power than we have been led to believe.

    I do believe that we are here such a short time and to me, not at least trying to go for your success is absolutely tragic. Whatever that success might mean to you.

    I will use this place as a platform to share with you things that I learn.
    So here we go.

    Here is a list that I came across yesterday. I call this list – Creating My Life on Purpose -.
    Its main aim is to, metaphorically speaking, empty you “cup” (your life) of all those blockages that is of hindrance to you. And then fill that “cup” with what do benefit you in order to get to where you want to be.

    – Creating My Life on Purpose –
    1. What is it that I want to achieve? Be specific on one goal.
    2. Why do I want to achieve this goal? What does this mean to me?
    3. What kind of person do I need to become in order to achieve this goal?
    4. Identity what limiting beliefs and blockages I currently have within. Things that are not in alignment with my goal.
    5. Use exercises that are for releasing these blockages.
    6. Re-Program my mind with new beliefs.
    7. Repeat step 6 until the new beliefs becomes a habit.

  • Stillness


    Good morning!

    I just came across a couple of sentences while studying that perhaps explain in an easy way how we can “use” our subconscious also known as unconscious mind. And why we should!
    I often try to explain the importance of this but since English is my third language I feel I sometimes cannot do that properly. Okey here we go:

    First they talk about that people of course have different “starting points” in forms of e.i supportive and loving parents, born and raised in a developed country, financial stability and other external circumstances that one might argue could help you in life. However, not every successful person had that. Far from it.
    What successful people have in common is faith. Not religious but internal faith in them self and their own worth.

    They continue by saying ;
    Wealth, fame, position, and peace of mind cannot be gifted to you, so you must admit that internal drive to achieve your goals is one big factor that can make your dreams come true.

    Your subconscious mind is that powerful internal drive!

    What they are saying here is that our internal drive, our will that makes up get up in the morning to do something, our motivation and most importantly (I think at least) that feeling inside that tell us we are worth it. All these personal traits are inside our subconscious mind. And if we want to change one of them, if we want to for example change our fear to confidence? Well we do this true re-programing our subconscious mind.
    You do this true repetition of a new belief. and once your subconscious mind has accepted this new belief/way of being you have about yourself, your mind will rewire and this becomes a habit. You just act that way without any effort on your part.

    Read this sentence below a couple of times and really try to get it in :

    Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will control your life and you will call it faith.
    – Carl Jung


  • Stillness

    Crashed phone

    They were doing studies on what “successful” and happy people did in common. The list is as you see above.

    So the time has come, for me to crash my phone. I used to think my phone was immortal :), you cant believe how many times its been falling out of my hand or pocket. And time after time I pick it up and laugh because there has not even been a scratch. This morning I was at the gym and I dropped it as I was working out on one of the machines. I was so surprised when I picked it up and saw that it was smashed into pieces. I had to look over and over to believe it hahaha.

    Okey, enough about my phone. Its not the end of the world.
    What I came here to say was that I have started this Hour of Power. Its what tony Robbins do and have done for 20 something years. He is an inspiration to me and I honestly respect and trust his work. I will definitely go to one of his VIP workshops but for now I will just copy his morning routine. Here is a summery of what its about:

    First. Instead of dragging and snoozing, jump out of bed. Directly start moving your body. Go for a run a brisk walk, anything. As you walk, do this breath exercise;  4 quick breaths in, followed by 4 quick breaths out.

    Second. Think, see and feel gratitude. Start with yourself, your loved ones, family, what you are blessed with, your health, your bed, whatever. Its important to get yourself in a “state” of complete gratitude so don’t just think it, really feel it fill your body.

    Third. Think, see and feel yourself with gratitude for something you really desire As If it is already in your life. For example, if your goal and dream is to be free from an illness, then feel how you would feel as if your body was already healthy.
    Remember, the mind cannot decide what feelings are real and what is not.

    I believe in magic. If you don’t that is alright. This is not about some magic coming in and changing your life. Its hard work, well maybe not hard but consistent work if you will. I say this because some think that I think you do these steps transform you. NO. You transform you.
    Whatever you believe and don’t, nobody can argue that shifting focus from a tired, snoozing, complaining, resenting morning to a morning where you jump out of bed, exerciser, focus on your breath and fill your body and mind with gratitude is a bad thing to do.

    Its safe to say that majority of us are not exercising enough. We are absolutely not focusing on our breath as much as we should, that thing that is synonymous with Life itself. And we are definitely not focusing on what we are blessed with in our lifes, more on whats wrong.

    Its not even about having a different opinion or not. I think I can be bold enough to say that only a complete loser can argue against focusing on health, breath and gratitude.

    Ohhh, maybe I am a little pissed crashing my phone! Sound so harsh 🙂 🙂 🙂


  • Stillness

    Use me

    Isn’t this such nice quote from Martin Luther King? I was look around and trying to understand more about Instagram. Yes I know its not rocket science but I just got it and not that into it to be honest. Anyway, somehow I got into Adriana Lima’s and saw she had posted this quote. And I just loved it. Maybe the part of “God” might scare some but now me. That world is equal to “Life” or “Universe”  to me so I don’t mind it at all. In fact, it makes me enthusiastic and calm at the same time, its hard to explain. I am a true believer in this Omnipotent, this Power, this something Greater.
    I am not religious at all, in fact I believe religion to be the cause of most pain in this world. So no, that’s not it, to me there is something far more greater that one of us alone, that “thing” that includes all of us, that force that we no matter who we are, surrender to when there is nothing else that we can do.

    Who cares what we call it, its there! And I believe sooner or later all of us will experience that.

    Yesterday at my Pilates Reformer class I noticed that they had printed some quotes on the walls. You know as they do in Yoga or gym studios. This one was so nice. They had asked Mother Theresa what she says when she prays and she said; “I say nothing. I listen”.   ♡ ♡ ♡


  • Stillness,  Uncategorized


    I learned this exerciser from Anthony Robbins whom I admire. This is how he starts his day. This way he “sets the tone” of his day. Listen up folks;)

    1. taking a quick shower, swapping with first hot and finishing off with ice-cold water.
    2. doing some kind of exerciser to get your heart rate up.
    3. Here is the breath practice he uses: 4 fast inhales true your nose, followed by 4 fast exhales true your mouth (lips shaped like a duck). Do this for about 3 minutes.
    4. sit in a quiet place, think,see and feel for a couple of minutes of that you are grateful of. Importance here lies in FEELING.
    5. Finish it of by visualizing one situation you’d like to see manifest throughout your day.

    Keep doing this for at least 30 days. This breath supersize is, according to Robbing scientifically proven to boost your joy, health and energy level. This kind of stuff has been known for centuries. I just find it tragic that we have not got on board this kind of stuff earlier, speaking mainly for myself hahaha

    I choose to use one of the pictures from because well, first its amazing, second because this photo of the leaf remind me so much of our lungs in the body! Right!?


