

  • Stillness,  Uncategorized

    Putting Mel Robbins tip on How to Stay Focused into practice

    Have any of you heard of a woman called Mel Robbins? Chances are that you have because she is apparently huge all over the place, a best-selling author etc.
    I on the other hand had not heard about here and just happened to accidentally come across Mel and her work. I don’t really believe in the word “accidentally”, as a matter of the fact I believe we are given whatever we need in that particular moment in our life. But that’s a whole different story haha.

    Back to Mel and what I learned from her, which is a lot. But for now let’s have a look at 3 simple tips she shared on “How to Stay Focused”.

    #1  Don’t sleep with your phone next to you. Most people wake up and instantly scroll through their phones. Facebook, Instagram, emails. In other words, checking what other people are doing in their life instead of getting up straight away and start your OWN day. By having your phone distant from you, you don’t go on autopilot and check your phone.

    #2  Mel said she keeps a Post It notes in the bathroom. As she brushes her teeth in the morning she writes down the top priorities for her day. Tasks that she needs to get done in order to reach her goals. Then she sticks this post It on the back of her phone. Why? because most of us have our phone with us throughout the day and this will make our priority tasks visual all day long. Harder to avoid doing your tasks for the day if you see them all day long no?!
    I like this tip a lot because there is a lot of ideas going on in my head as I brush my teeth in the morning. But often I forget all about them as the day goes by.

    #3  Mel calls the last tip on how to stay focused;  “30 Before 7:30”. This one is about taking 30 minutes before 7:30am, to just focus on getting your day organized and getting a couple of your top priorities either finished, or further down the field.

    Tomorrow is my day off and I am going to try Mel’s tips on How to Stay Focused straight away. Hope I (and Mel haha) have inspired you to try it out too.

    HERE is some more information and tip from Mel Robbins

    Ciao for now friends.

  • Pictures 2017,  Recomendation,  Stillness,  Uncategorized

    How to increase your productivity and performance – step by step

    Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs – Successful people to model


    Today, as I was on the train back from my volunteer work, I came across a bunch of articles on Productivity & Performance. I find everything on how to improve yourself and how to be the best version of yourself very interesting.
    If we are not evolving, progressing, learning, then whats the point?
    Productivity is simply : get more done successfully with less effort. It was a whole lot of reading therefore I have just taken out some of the main points from what I’ve learned:

    – Have a set time-frame and a clear plan. This will increase your chances to actually reach your goal.

    –  Your goal must be specific and clear. And you must know WHY you want this goal to manifest. When you know why you want something, that will amplify your motivation and assist you to take necessary actions.

    – Look over your daily habits. What are those small Rituals you have everyday? Are they benefiting you or are they driving you away from your goal? An example could be to set out a specific time for checking social media. This way you wont unconsciously waste your time and will instead gain more time to complete actions towards your goal. Another example is to put the clothes you are going to wear the night before. This “habit” or “ritual” will overtime save you hours in the mornings. Have you ever wondered why many successful people tend to wear the same outfit over and over? Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Obama, Steve Jobs. Read more about this HERE.

    Next is a quick and relatively easy way to productivity and performance is often spoken of by Tony Robbins….

    – Modeling. Robbins is over and over recommending people who want to get the most out of life to Model” other, already successful people. Find one or a couple of people you admire. Famous or not and study their behavior. How do they speak, how is their physiology. Do they spend alot of time choosing what outfit to wear in the morning? Will they snooze or wake up early to get more time to get to where they want. Are they willing to study and try to learn from people who know more then them or not? Do they spend a couple of hours a day scrolling true their phone, watching what others are up to?

    – The last point I want to make is one from tony It is something he calls “chunking” and I will definitely start using this method in my life. Simplified chunking is: taking everything we have on our ” To Do Lists” and divide them into chunks, depending on where they belong. For example one for relationships, another for work/career and the third for health.
    According to Tony once you have chunked these together it is easier to see what result you want.
    I especially got motivated to start with Tony´s chunking after reading this ;

    “When you start thinking of your to-do’s as clusters of desired outcomes, you’ll keep stress at bay and learn to focus on your greater goals, rather than getting overwhelmed of the minute details. Why? Because you will start to feel inspired, rather than forced to follow through. And when you feel so inspired by a purpose, you’ll come up with a more effective action plan to get there.”

    Have a lovely day.xx


  • Our Partner Visa,  Stillness,  Uncategorized

    Last steps in our Partner Visa Process and changes to morning rituals

    Hello hello, Thought I come in quickly to say hi. I have been sitting most of today with the requests from our immi contact person Maja. Our Partner Visa is being finalized, just need to send in the last steps in this whole process. So I have filled in all the documents, sent them in (requested) and paid for police clearance check from the Australian, Sweden and Spanish Police authorities. Next, I have filled in my medical details, printed and scanned everything they asked me for (copy of passport etc ) and booked myself in for a full Medical Examination. Next Thursday 11:30 AM and I have never been more excited to do a health check and do blood test as I am now! If they let me I would go in an get it over with in the middle of the night.
    It felt pretty great checking “NO” in all the boxes. Of course because being in perfect health is the ultimate blessing. But honestly, all I could thing was I don’t want to deal with all the additional documents and checks that would be required if I would for example have diabetes!

    On a whole different subject… I have mentioned before that I have a set of Rituals (you can read more about them HERE). For instant, one of them are : To get up early in the morning, before 6 am. Anyway, what I wanted to explain was that it is not so much WHEN you wake up, but more how you effectively USE that extra time you get by waking up earlier.
    I’ve changed my morning rituals a bit, and because of some small changes, I now feel that I have managed to be done with alot of my “tasks” sooner then before.
    For example, 1. don’t talk on the phone at all in the mornings, I don’t even open my email or anything. 2. I do my reading/studying of NLP with a cup of coffee at a cafe as soon as I drop Ambrose off at the train station. 3. After studying, I go straight to the gym and have breakfast after. By changing the order of my Rituals, I am done with all this before 10 am which is great. Then I am free to do all the things on my ” To Do List”, such as dealing with Visa stuff etc.

  • Recomendation,  Stillness,  Uncategorized

    A genius way on how to learn to stop procrastinating


    So today has all been about rain. Rain, rain and then some more rain. It got me thinking about procrastination, here is why. You know how we humans have the tendency to use anything – in this case, rain, as an excuse to procrastinate things we know we should be doing.
    Well I’m no different. In fact this is one area in my life, that if I could radically change, I would. This is, for me, one of the least qualities I don’t like about myself. One that I would pay to stop.
    In fact, learning how to stop procrastinating was a factor that got me into the genius world of NLP in the first place.

    But here is what’s funny, and slightly frustrating; when you learn something, and you know that this is a quality you want to change about yourself.  One that you actually can change, and you still don’t follow true and execute the techniques you’ve learned….this can be the most infuriating thing ever.

    Today is Friday and I had set as a goal for this week to be up and running with one of these online projects. And still non of them have replied back to me with a position. And the one that did, said that my “skills” are too average, that alot of people have the same. I don’t stand out enough”. So I have spent most of today doing online tests to prove I am more “desirable” than their average clients.
    This might not be procrastinating. I actually did alot of tests, and they take on average 40 min each. But my goal is to become one of those genius people who get much more done during their waking hours. They get up like 5 am and work towards their goals until late at night.

    If you feel any of this resonates at all with you, then go ahead and click Play on this Youtube video on How to Stop Procrastinating.


  • Pictures 2017,  Stillness,  Uncategorized

    Nature lover

    Today I was listening to TED Talks and about energy’s and our conscious levels etc. Regardless what beliefs you have, one thing is sure – you do feel whether or not a place or person makes you feel at ease, or in discomfort. I don’t know how anyone could argue with that (?) I find that the more I deliberately focus on myself, my emotions, why I react the way I do and what triggers me to feel good vs bad.  The more I do that consciously, the easier it gets.

    If a certain person, situation, or places drains you, takes all you energy and leave you exhausted … well you need to deliberately make the conscious choice to leave that person, situation or place. And if you cannot leave (perhaps it is a family member) then the next best thing is to avoid. Avoid as much as possible. In case of a person, it might be a good idea to, in a kind way mention this so they get a chance to change their negative and draining attitude.

    One place that I have where I get energized, that always puts me in a better state is Nature. Of course this will be the same for many of you as well. How can it not! I have as long as I can remember been a nature lover. Maybe not the most outdoorsy girl, but I remember that I have always gone for a walk in the forest when I wanted to “get away”. As I lover of nature I do like all sorts of nature. My number one kind of nature if you like, is the forest. That part of nature is like a fairy tale, like magic. Maybe that’s why I loved The Lord of The Rings so much, specially the screens with the alive trees!

    If there would be no spiders on the trees over here I would definitely sit and read under them. This bench have to to for now. I love the nature here in Australia, who wouldn’t. But with kind of nature comes all the little bug’s, and that ehhh I don’t love so much.

  • Recomendation,  Stillness

    4 little tips on what to choose to improve your day

    There is so much power in focusing on the little things. If you really thing about it we might have, if we are lucky, around 70 years on this planet. If you are not careful and really conscious, you might just have life as something that just passed you by.
    I don’t mean all this “be positive and fake happiness all the time” bullshit. I mean the only real power we have over our life is our ability to choose.
    This morning, as I was working on statements to use on our social media for our Sister2Sister program, I thought of these little, but powerful tips :

    – As you open your eyes in the morning, make sure to carefully choose your thoughts. Decide how you would like your day to be. What are your goals, not for your entire life (although also important) but only for this particular day. This goal includes things you want to have achieved, feeling you want to have and all the small progresses before you the end of the day. Mine for today is: to start a 7 day challenge with this , just to see if I can do it. Complete the 3 things on a “List of Importance” me and Ambrose promised to do for eachother. One hour at the gym.

    – Use the fact that it is easy for us to trick our brain into a change of habit for ourselfs. Our brains can be divided into the conscious and the unconscious part if you will. Learn about this and put it to the test. Smile, even if you don’t feel like it. Change your body posture and your body movement to represent a posture and movement of pose, grace, confidence and joy. Do this enough and you be surprised how your thoughts and emotions follows whatever your body does. It is real “easy”. Whatever we do often enough, even if it is not “real” at that moment will cause our subconscious to actually believe we are just like that. This is not religion, this is not hokus pokus. This is a fact. Use it.

    – Surround yourself with those who lift you up, those who want you to succeed. Positive people, hard working and genuine people. People who might not have alot but are always striving for more. People who believe in possibilities, in you, in themselves, in life. Again, we only live a short time on this planet, there is no room for anything less. Sometimes unfortunately, this means getting rid of people closest to you. I don’t mean hating anyone, blocking people out or never speaking to loved ones again. But I absolutely don’t believe you need to constantly hang out with a draining, negative and selfish person just because he or she is your close family member. Wish them the best from a distance. Christmas and birthdays are enough.

    – Be open-minded. Be cool enough to try different things. Just because you don’t understand something or it sounds weird doesn’t mean it does not work. All this The more I read and learn about our brain, specially our subconscious mind, the more I think its crazy, bizarre and well, alot of ” I cant see it therefore I cant believe it” kind of stuff. But what if it is real? My biggest fear in life is that I am about to die and I then realize that it was all real, that I could have done a difference for myself, for my life on my own. That’s my biggest fear in life.

    I mean can all these people be wrong about this: Jim Carry, David Lynch, Oprah, Mirranda Kerr,Tony Robbins, Jerry Seinfield, Deepak Chopra, Ray Dalio, Martin Scorsese, Dr Oz, Russel Brand, Ellen Degerenes, Gisele Bundchen, Hugh Jackman…….Really?


  • Stillness,  Uncategorized

    how to be getting the most out of your morning

    One thing that is not my, well, thing is stress and hysteria in the mornings. I like peaceful and one thing at a time kind of mornings. I don’t mean snoozing and dragging in bed for hours, not that kind of “peacefulness”. I rather get up a bit earlier than I have to, just to make sure I got my alone time and that I can set things at my own pace. I think this is a great way to be getting the most out of your morning.

    This morning did not consist of any of that. As Ambrose was leaving he asked if I wanted the lights off, when I replied that I am getting up anyway he said ; great, can you then drive me to the station. So I literary put whatever I could find and ran down to the car so we would be on time for the train.
    During our hectic drive we both noticed that the water looked like a mirror. This is around 6am so still a bit dark but after we said goodbye I decided to park the car near the boathouse and go for a morning walk and watch the sunrise.

    So somehow I did get the kind of morning I prefer – in stillness. Except the stupid cars and trucks that were swarming right behind me hahaha. Sometimes you just have to make do with what you’ve got! xx


  • Hanie Valadi Photography,  Stillness,  Uncategorized

    when partnership becomes a value

    Photo credit: hanievaladiphotography

    Yesterday I realized something within myself. i came to the realization that being a team, partnership, or whatever you want to call it is one of, if not the most important thing for me. That is something I appreciate, something I need just more than anything else I can think of right now.
    And I wonder why that is?

    Those times in my life I don’t have it is those times I can remember as the most difficult times. And the opposite, whenever I am in a period of my life or even in a moment where I strongly can feel I am in a strong and genuine team with the one I love, its like that’s it. That is how it suppose to be for me to feel whole. To feel complete.

    I know I had this conversation with people before. What are some of the basic needs we must have as humans in order to feel good. And many times the answer will be ; food and shelter, a satisfying job. And that is all fine, I do completely agree on all those things. Of course I do. But I just cannot leave out how stupidly satisfying and grateful it has made me feel those times life has been completely shit. For whatever reason I have been mentally exhausted, and I come home I can see, and I can feel how just the knowing that I don’t go true any of it alone. That there is somebody who shares it all with me. To me that is knocks out all the rest.

    Everybody is different. Our past has shaped and conditioned us to who we are today. What we value in life and what we don’t give a damn about.
    This was just mine.

    “Shared happiness is double happiness.
    Shared sorrow is half a sorrow.

    Lonesome happiness is half happiness.

    Lonesome sorrow is double the sorrow”
