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Our Habits in this world


Has anyone read “ The Monk who sold his Ferrari ” by Robin Sharma? If not, I highly recommend this book. Ive read it twice while living in Barcelona and this book opened my eyes and was kind of assisting me during some pretty challenging time in my life. The reason why I mention this book at all is because that I after seeing the whole US election circus last night felt a bit as ” this is kind of overwhelming, disturbing and chaotic. I feel powerless and tired of the world but what can I do”. And I know alot of people have the same thoughts and feelings when shocking events in the world directly or indirectly hit us. The feeling of “well, what can I do about it ?” surely goes true most of peoples heads in times like this. And true, most of us cannot change much on a bigger scale, but if it is true as all the greats say, that we are all connected, that each one of us are part of the whole energy that makes up the totality of our Universe and its outcomes. Then maybe it is also true that  each one of us are a bit responsible for all the shit that is occurring. Over and over again. Maybe if each one of us started making even the slightest changes with our self to be greater, then perhaps we together could assist the world to be a bit greater as a whole.

Ive posted a link to a short video by Robin Sharma where he explains our Habits, and how we can in 66 days ( this is scientifically proven) change our habits, or more correctly, add habits that we want to see in our self. Who knows, one small habit change such as becoming and spreading more kindness and positivity around might do some good for our planet. Now imagine a couple of million of us doing this….

So Donald Trump is the president now, well that’s interesting…..

