Our Partner Visa,  Uncategorized

One tiny piece of document left

Thursday evening and it feels like its been one of those very very long weeks. I am actually ready to have the weekend so we can sleep in a little bit. Well, sleeping in for us usually means until 8am, but still better that these 5 and 6 am that we have had.

It has been alot to do this week and on top of everything else, our Partner Visa is about to be finalized. Only last tiny bit left – A Police clearance from Spain. I have not lived in Spain for many years but one of the requirements is that you need to show police clearance from all the countries you lived in for the past 10 years.

The only issue is that I have a Swedish nationality and I live in Australia. And to get a police clearance from Spain, if you are not a Spanish means well, basically they told me to fly 30 hours to Spain to get a piece of paper and come back.

If any of you wonders how my feelings are about the whole Partner Visa process? Its something like …ZZZZzzzzzzzzz
2 years have past !! Hours of putting together documents. Even more hours proving we are a couple. Thousands and thousands of dollars have been spent. And it all comes down to ONE tiny document. Which just happens to be across the planet.

I know I know, It sound like I am complaining. Actually I am relived and grateful that its only one tiny piece of document left. Like everything else in life, it depends on how you look at the situation. Now, red wine and take away dinner out on the terrace. xx

