






Here are some pictures from last nigh when I was a proper student most of the day. I’m up to chapter 3 in Neuro Lingustic Programing – NLP, and I could not seem to get away from my screen. Ambrose worked overtime and as he walked in he perfectly matched THIS sunset… made our whole apartment warm and filled with that orange color that in my opinion, is the best.

He helped me practice my lines for the acting later that evening. I am getting a bit nervous, the performing date is getting pretty close now.

Today I thought I am going to finish as much as I can with my studies, then maybe get to organize my closets and all the draws and stuff I have in the bathroom. Want to have alot of this done before this afternoon, we decided to have a date in the city and stroll around Darling Harbour.  Or I call it a date, Ambrose probably wont haha
