Pictures 2017

Sunday stroll

Good evening little sweethearts out there!

We did not sleet many hours last night. Ambrose was on ANOTHER buxparty ( I know its getting ridiculous right haha) and I cannot sleep before he is home. I am not even tired, so strange! Guess its weirdness that got stuck in my head from my “old” life… Anyway! he came home around 3am and I was up watching way too many episodes of a new series with Jane Fonda. I LOVE LOVE LOVE her.
Again, ANYWAY. I woke up around 9am and knew exactly how I wanted to spend my Sunday. Strolling around a new area in Sydney, having coffee’s and lunch at a great spot in the sun. And off course I managed to convince Ambrose to postpone his hangover and accompany me in my Sunday adventures. He seriously is THE best tour guide on earth 🙂

So we went to Tramshed in Gleebe for coffee, tried out the Tram train ( super slow….) strolled around Gleebe, went to the fish market and then we found a super cute little restaurant and had some Pho. Thank you for today, such great day!
