last few days from my phone..
These last few days in pictures. Snapchat and looking at the sky has always been two things I do when I relax a just hand out at home. Now I found myself with repeatedly going for this new drink (well its new to me) Think its called Tumeric Latte and its as strange as it is tasty. And healthy! Ever since I had my little heart things I try as much as I can to stay away from coffee. Witch sucks penises because I love coffee even though its a drug, bad for you bla bla bla. I have a coffee now and then, I just added this Tumeric Latte situation into my life.
Its hot coconut milk, grated tumeric, grated ginger and cinnamon. Its all fair trade and organic.
I get it at
Love that place.
That is one of my goals, to have as much as possible of the products I consume to be organic and fair trade.
Now to something else, this morning after a short but incentive workout I found this guy called Brendon Burchard on Youtube. He is the author of “The Motivation Manifesto”, a book I never heard of BUT that’s not relevant. I was speaking to my sister and we were agreeing that its more vital to actually DO and ACT out in our daily lives everything we learned so far instead of just continuing reading without putting it into action.
I just wanted to share one short video from this Brandon guy where he recommends some pointers on: How To Stay Focused. Its simple, as everything great is BUT it inspired me a little so here you have it: