Harbour bridge
So I finally walked over this damn bridge….4 years later 😉 Better later than never I guess. Aaannnnddd it was just like everyone describes it ; grand, powerful and cool. You get a perfect view over how beautiful this city really is.
Love the last picture especially because its a perfect reflection over rich and poor. Its sick that that sort of shit even goes on in a country like this. The division between being in or out, valued or not. That we still have that even soon to year 2017 🙁
Anyway, the “ugly” (I think its really cool but..) building to the left is apparently getting pulled down anyway so I guess thats one way of sorting out the worlds problem haha
Cant wait to see the fireworks going off from this bridge !! Sydney has the most spectacular fireworks and that is perfect for someone like me. I think its one of the coolest things ever! When I get married I want fireworks. Well I want fireworks at any occasion if I could have it.
I walked over the bridge quite early in the morning and I recommend to walk it really early or later in the evening. Middle of the day its way too hot and way too many people.