4 little tips on what to choose to improve your day
There is so much power in focusing on the little things. If you really thing about it we might have, if we are lucky, around 70 years on this planet. If you are not careful and really conscious, you might just have life as something that just passed you by.
I don’t mean all this “be positive and fake happiness all the time” bullshit. I mean the only real power we have over our life is our ability to choose.
This morning, as I was working on statements to use on our social media for our Sister2Sister program, I thought of these little, but powerful tips :
– As you open your eyes in the morning, make sure to carefully choose your thoughts. Decide how you would like your day to be. What are your goals, not for your entire life (although also important) but only for this particular day. This goal includes things you want to have achieved, feeling you want to have and all the small progresses before you the end of the day. Mine for today is: to start a 7 day challenge with this , just to see if I can do it. Complete the 3 things on a “List of Importance” me and Ambrose promised to do for eachother. One hour at the gym.
– Use the fact that it is easy for us to trick our brain into a change of habit for ourselfs. Our brains can be divided into the conscious and the unconscious part if you will. Learn about this and put it to the test. Smile, even if you don’t feel like it. Change your body posture and your body movement to represent a posture and movement of pose, grace, confidence and joy. Do this enough and you be surprised how your thoughts and emotions follows whatever your body does. It is real “easy”. Whatever we do often enough, even if it is not “real” at that moment will cause our subconscious to actually believe we are just like that. This is not religion, this is not hokus pokus. This is a fact. Use it.
– Surround yourself with those who lift you up, those who want you to succeed. Positive people, hard working and genuine people. People who might not have alot but are always striving for more. People who believe in possibilities, in you, in themselves, in life. Again, we only live a short time on this planet, there is no room for anything less. Sometimes unfortunately, this means getting rid of people closest to you. I don’t mean hating anyone, blocking people out or never speaking to loved ones again. But I absolutely don’t believe you need to constantly hang out with a draining, negative and selfish person just because he or she is your close family member. Wish them the best from a distance. Christmas and birthdays are enough.
– Be open-minded. Be cool enough to try different things. Just because you don’t understand something or it sounds weird doesn’t mean it does not work. All this The more I read and learn about our brain, specially our subconscious mind, the more I think its crazy, bizarre and well, alot of ” I cant see it therefore I cant believe it” kind of stuff. But what if it is real? My biggest fear in life is that I am about to die and I then realize that it was all real, that I could have done a difference for myself, for my life on my own. That’s my biggest fear in life.
I mean can all these people be wrong about this: Jim Carry, David Lynch, Oprah, Mirranda Kerr,Tony Robbins, Jerry Seinfield, Deepak Chopra, Ray Dalio, Martin Scorsese, Dr Oz, Russel Brand, Ellen Degerenes, Gisele Bundchen, Hugh Jackman…….Really?